ข้อสอบวิชา ENG1002 (ประโยคและศัพท์ทั่วไป) ข้อสอบมีทั้งหมด 120 ข้อ

ข้อสอบ ENG1002 ชุดที่ 2 ข้อที่ 61-80

61. She can’t come to see you now; she ______ a bath.
(1) has
(2) is having
(3) has had
(4) was having

62. It _______ any more.
(1) would not rain
(2) does not min
(3) has not rain
(4) is not raining

63. I  ______ to bed now.
(1) went
(2) has gone
(3) am going
(4) going

64. They _____ probably  _____ now.
(1) are; sleeping
(2) (blank); sleeps
(3) have; slept
(4) will; sleep

65. She _____ while I _____ dinner.
(1) writes; cook
(2) was writing; was cooking
(3) has written; have cooked
(4) will write; cooked

66. She  ______ an essay when I called her at 8 p.m.
(1) wrote
(2) had written
(3) write
(4) was writing

67. I remember when I _____ fifteen years old.
(1) were
(2) was
(3) am
(4) will be

68. The place where I ______ was very windy.
(1) have waited
(2) am waiting
(3) waited
(4) was waiting

69 My sister fell asleep while she ______ TV.
(1) is watching
(2) watches
(3) was watching
(4) has watched

70. ______ you go with US?
(1) Would
(2) Will
(3) Do
(4) Did

71. What _____ is it today?
(1) time
(2) (blank)
(3) day
(4) about

72. The war started in 1941, _____ ?
(1) didn’t they
(2) did it
(3) did they
(4) didn’t it

73. They were leaving when I _____ home.
(1) came
(2) had come
(3) come
(4) would come

74. She had already left when I ______
(1) have arrived
(2) would arrive
(3) arrived
(4) had arrived

75. He  ______ that he had just returned.
(1) explain
(2) explains
(3) explained
(4) had explained

Part II : Vocabulary (คำศัพท์)

76. The terrorists set off the bomb in front of the police station.
(1) built
(2) triggered
(3) placed
(4) hid

77. Children need a good diet.
(1) calorie
(2) food
(3) balance
(4) eating

78. She used fresh strawberries as a _______ on her cake.
(1) painting
(2) style
(3) garnish
(4) beauty

79. A collection of stamps will be _____ soon.
(1) established
(2) played
(3) displayed
(4) corrected

80. This case is difficult and complex.
(1) compared
(2) complicated
(3) activated
(4) related
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