ข้อสอบ ENG1002 ชุดที่ 2 ข้อที่ 41-60

41. She cried when she knew that someone ______ her bicycle.
(1) has stolen
(2) had stolen
(3) stole
(4) steal

42. Economics  _______ an important field of study for politicians.
(1) was
(2) is
(3) has
(4) have

43. Mary ______ in her journal every day.
(1) writes
(2) has written
(3) write
(4) had written

44. When I  ______ breakfast, I ______more energetic.
(1) had eaten; would feel
(2) ate; will feel
(3) eat; would feel
(4) eat, feel

45. If I _____ time, I _____ you.
(1) have; would help
(2) had; would help
(3) had, will help
(4) have; will have helped

46. He _____ for three hours when I called him.
(1) is writing
(2) had been writing
(3) writes
(4) wrote

47. His mother was angry when she saw what _______ .
(1) happens
(2) has happened
(3) had happened
(4) would happen

48. If the price ______ down, I would buy that car.
(1) had gone
(2) goes
(3) have gone
(4) went

49. Most children ______ to enjoy having siblings.
(1) seem
(2) seemed
(3) have seemed
(4) are seeming

50. If he were here now, he ______ paint the living room.
(1) will help
(2) had helped
(3) would help
(4) helped

51. She _____ a story yesterday.
(1) writes
(2) has written
(3) wrote
(4) had written

52. He ______ the task when she returned.
(1) completed
(2) had completed
(3) completes
(4) was completed

53. When I arrived at the office, my friend _____ home already.
(1) went
(2) had gone
(3) has gone
(4) goes

54. By seven o’clock, she _______ with them for twelve hours.
(1) will play
(2) will have been playing
(3) would play
(4) is playing

55. He _____ this article for three weeks by this time tomorrow.
(1) will write
(2) has written
(3) would write
(4) will have been writing

56. She _____ an examination paper at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
(1) wrote
(2) write
(3) will be writing
(4) has written

57. If she ______ her money in a computer company, she would be rich today.
(1) invests
(2) invested
(3) will invest
(4) is investing

58. _______ I the president, I’d make a lot of changes.
(1) Were
(2) Had
(3) Am
(4) Have

59. ______  I only tried harder, I could have done better.
(1) Were
(2) Had
(3) Am
(4) Have

60. In the back yard, the boys ______ .
(1) had played
(2) are playing
(3) play
(4) have played
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ข้อมูลโดย ติวเตอร์แบงค์
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