กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)

เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด APR2101 บทที่ 9 INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ดูตำราประกอบหน้า 219-238 ครับ)
กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)
รหัสตำรา : 57173
โดย ติวเตอร์แบงค์ สถาบันติว PERFECT ซ.รามคำแหง 43/1  Tel. 081-7269394, Line : sjbank


Match the business terms in column A with the correct meaning in column B.
Column (A)
information storage
laptop (C)
electronic mail (D)
electronic transfer (B)
office automation (A)

Column B
A. information technology used in automating office functions
B. exchange of information among multiple users
C. a kind of computer that is portable
D. mails forwarded electronically
E. keeping information for use



          Office automation refers to the integration of office functions usually related to managing information. There are many tools used to automate office functions and the spread of electronic processors inside computers as well as inside copiers and printers is at the center of most recent advances in office automation. Raw data storage, electronic data transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system.

          The modern history of office automation began with the typewriter and the copy machine, which mechanized previously manual tasks. Today, however, office automation is increasingly understood as a term that refers not just to the mechanization of tasks but to the conversion of information to electronic form as well. The advent of the personal computer revolutionized office automation, and today, popular operating systems and user interfaces dominate office computer systems. This revolution has been so complete, and has infiltrated so many areas of business, that almost all businesses use at least one commercial computer business application in the course of daily activity. Even the smallest companies commonly utilize computer technology to maintain financial records, inventory information, payroll records, and other pertinent business information. "Workplace technology that started as handy (but still optional) business tools in the 1980s evolved into a high-priority requirement in the 1990s," summarized Stanley Zarowin in Journal of Accountancy. "As we enter the new millennium, it has taken another quantum leap, going from a priority to a prerequisite for doing business.

Match the business terms with the following meanings

1 information technology used in automating office function
2 exchange of information among multiple users (4)

Alternatives for No. 1 to No. 2
1 information system 
2 electronic mail
3 information storage 
4 electronic transfer
5 information hub 
6 office automation

Para 1 

3 Which is not involved with office automation? ใส่ทั้ 5 และ 6
1 raw data storage 
2 electronic data transfer
3 electronic processor 
4 business information
5 all are correct 
6 none is correct

4 Which should be the appropriate title for this paragraph?
1 Integration of office functions 
2 Office Automation
3 Information Functions 
4 electronic processors
5 Business Activities 
6 Data Transfer
Para 2 

5 What evident did the writer gave to witness the history of modern office automation? มี ข้อ 6 ด้วย
1 computer 
2 financial records
3 inventory information 
4 payroll records
5 copy machine 
6 all are correct

6 Why do every scale of business use at least one commercial business computer application? Because it was used…..
1 to record all business information 
2 for the financial records
3 to store the inventory information 
4 to keep the payment records
5 to maintain the business information
6 all are correct

7 Which statement is not true? ต้องมี 1 และ 6
1 there are too many tools used to automate office functions
2 office automation processes due to computer and copiers
3 electronic processors are so important for office automation’s breakthrough
4 many areas of business are revolutionized because of the advent of personal computer
5 integration of office functions are the same as office automation
6 all are correct


Which is the correct prefixes?

1 disadvantage          2 underadvantage          3 unadvantage          4 inadvantage

9  1 unpolite           2 inpolite          3 dispolite           4 impolite

10 1 inusual           2 imusual          3 unusual           4 disusual

11 1
incorrect         2 discorrect        3 uncorrect         4 imcorrect

12 1 unregular       
2 irregular           3 imregular         4 overregular

13 1 undercredit       2 overcredit          3 uponcredit           
4 discredit

14 1 encounter          2 uncounter          3 incounter             4 overcounter

15 1 preliminary           2 unliminary          3 disliminary           4 postliminary

16 1 biactive             2 bilingual          3 bisensor                 4 bipersonal

17 1 discrimination       2 ilregulation           3 antidirect        4 underbias

18 1 underestimated     2 inestimated                3 unestimated            4 disestimated

19 1 transatlantic      2 crossatlantic               3 underatlantic            4 overatlantic

20 1 unnonymous    2 innonymous               3 anonymous               4 exnonymous

21 1 unadequate      2 inadequate                 3 imadequate               4 nonadequate

22 1 inactive          2 underactive                 3 monoactive             4 polyactive

23 1 illegal               2 unlegal               3 dislegal                       4 underlagal

24 1 immature              2 unmature            3 inmature                      4 overmature

25 1 irlogical                2 nonlogical           3 illogical                      4 dislogical

26 1 disbehave             2 unbehave             3 misbehave                  4 overbehave

27 1 untraining             2 overtraining         3 undertraining             4 protraining

28 1 uncharge              2 surcharge              3 microcharge               4 subcharge

29 1 preface                 2 anticircular            3 abusual                      4 recontary

30 1 postpone              2 predressing             3 inmature                   4 unpredict

31 1 uncontinue           2 discontinue            3 precontinue               4 recontinue

32 1 imallow                2 unallow                  3 disallow                    4 inallow

33 1 unrational             2 inrational                3 disrational                4 irrational

34 1 inpatient               2 unpossible               3 inexpensive             4 unavoidable