61. “She told a funny  story  to  me.”
  The underlined phrase is a/an _________.
  (1) noun    
      (2) pronoun    
      (3) object    
      (4) adjective

62. Jean can speak _______ and _________.
  (1) Portugal and Italy    
      (2) Portugal and Italian
  (3) Portuguese and Italian    
      (4) Portuguese and Italy

63. ________ egg is good when it’s boiled.       
  (1) A    
     (2) An    
     (3) The    
     (4) (Blank)

64. ________ cat is lying under the tree.       
     (1) A    
     (2) An    
     (3) The     (4) (Blank)

65. Rice and curry________ one of the simple dishes in Thailand.   
     (1) have been 
      (2) were    
      (3) are    
      (4) is

66.  A : What  is  your  favorite  food ?
       B : Hamburger and  fried egg _________is  my  favorite  food.
      (1) are    
      (2) is    
      (3) have been   
      (4) were

67. Jim _______ friendly.       
     (1) is      
     (2) are      
     (3) were      
     (4) have to

68. Jim apologized for _______ late.
  (1) be    
      (2) to be    
      (3) is    
      (4) being

69. ________ has studied hard.
  (1) Malinee    
      (2) They    
      (3) Some men   
      (4) Tom and Jane

70. Sak has played _______ basketball for two years.
      (1) a    
      (2) an    
      (3) the    
      (4) (blank)

71. A : __________ are you?
  B :  A teacher.
  (1) Where    
     (2) When    
     (3) What    
     (4) Why

72. Durians _________ quite expensive.
  (1) is    
      (2) are    
      (3) was    
      (4) has been

73. I have _______ minutes for you.
  (1) the few    
      (2) a few    
      (3) a little    
      (4) little

74. _________  Chao Praya is  ________ longest river in Thailand.
  (1) A; a    
     (2) A; the    
     (3) The; a    
     (4) The; the

75. _______ is in Europe.
  (1) France    
     (2) France and Italy 
     (3) Italian    
     (4) French

Part II  Vocabulary

76. Being responsible is a universal _________.
  (1) virtue    
      (2) egghead    
      (3) triumph    
      (4) talent

77. This company_________ all kinds of goods to our home.
      (1) concludes       
      (2) strengthens       
      (3) delivers       
      (4) enrolls

78. Which university do you want to______ in?
  (1) earn    
      (2) light    
      (3) predict    
      (4) enroll

79. The meaning of each word can be  ______up in a dictionary.
  (1) looked    
      (2) neglected    
      (3) plagued    
      (4) reflected

80. He wants to get a _________ job because his salary isn’t enough.
  (1) chronic    
      (2) compelling    
      (3) preventive    
      (4) part-time
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