61.  His dog got out of  ________  cage.   
      (1) its      
      (2) hers      
(3) it      
      (4) their

62.  It  _______  rains in January.
      (1) very hard       
      (2) hard       
      (3) hardly       
      (4) too hard

63.  Tom  ________  did the mistakes.
      (1) propose    
      (2) purposive    
      (3) proposed    
      (4) purposely

64.  ________ colored pencil is this?
      (1) Who    
      (2) When    
      (3) Whose    
      (4) Whom

65.  That old and  ________  woman lives in that old house.
      (1) friend    
      (2) friendly    
      (3) friends    
      (4) friendliness

66.  Do you know why  _______ don’t believe ______ ?
      (1) they; me    
      (2) they;  we    
      (3) their; mine    
      (4) their; US

67.  The time  ______  I was in the U.S. is my most memorable experience.
      (1) where    
      (2) who    
      (3) when    
      (4) whom

68. Do you want to go out,  ______ stay home ?
      (1) for    
      (2) so    
      (3) and    
      (4) or

69.  These special parking spaces are arranged for the ___________   .
      (1) disability    
      (2) disabled    
      (3) disable    
      (4) disabling

70.  Don’t let the boy ______ on the table.
      (1) jumps    
      (2) jumping    
      (3) to jump    
      (4) jump

71.  Those children were watching the movie _________ .
       (1) last night quietly in the living room   
       (2) quietly in the living room last night
       (3) in the living room quietly last night   
       (4) quietly last night in the living room

72.  Which is a complete sentence?
       (1) We must be well prepared.   
       (2) As you grow up.
       (3) After we arrive at the airport.   
       (4) Since the store was closed.

73.  Which is a complete sentence?
      (1) Running across the street be dangerous.   
      (2) Two tigers killed last week.
      (3) Walking as the way to go back home.   
      (4) Be careful!

74.  Which underlined word is a common noun?
       (1) Her car hit a bag of sand.    
       (2) Tom lived in Europe.
       (3) I teach English.                      
       (4) Singapore is in Asia.

75.   Which is a complete sentence?
       (1) Bill answered her questions.   
       (2) Tom looking out the window.
       (3) To make me happy.
       (4) John and I coming soon.

Part II  Vocabulary

76.  Her beautiful gestures helped her win the beauty contest.
      (1) body movements    
      (2) social movements
      (3) simple manners    
      (4) complete thoughts

77.  It is difficult to motivate Jim to continue his studies.
      (1) approach    
      (2) involve    
      (3) seek    
      (4) encourage

78.  Walking briskly is a way of exercise.
      (1) continuously 
      (2) slowly    
      (3) quickly    
      (4) widely

79.  Please speak slowly; don’t rattle.
       (1) move rapidly  
       (2) talk rapidly  
       (3) move slowly 
       (4) change instantly

80.   Eating too much sugar can trigger diabetes.
        (1) present    
        (2) cause    
        (3) affect    
        (4) continue
