61. The police accused Jim of _________ his wife.
     (1) kill 
     (2) killing
     (3) to kill 
     (4) to killing

62. Usually, gold ________ expensive.
     (1) is 
     (2) are
     (3) were 
     (4) have been

63. Sam was not injured in the accident, ________ was his wife.
     (1) or 
     (2) therefore
     (3) so 
     (4) nor

64. Paul doesn’t like Mary, ________ he can’t stand her.
     (1) so 
     (2) or
     (3) nor 
     (4) and

65. The rector, as well as the deans, __________ to sign the contract.
     (1) agree 
     (2) agrees
     (3) have agreed 
     (4) are agreeing

66. Bob was exhausted from ________ hard.
     (1) work 
     (2) worked
     (3) working 
     (4) to work

67. Would you please help me _______ this?
     (1) do 
     (2) did
     (3) to do 
     (4) doing

68. A _________ holiday is too short.
     (1) day-one 
     (2) day one
     (3) one day 
     (4) one-day

69. Hendry has to graduate this semester; __________, he will lose his job.
     (1) otherwise 
     (2) therefore
     (3) though 
     (4) and

70. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) I have money buy a car. 
     (2) Jim standing here.
     (3) To jog everyday useful. 
     (4) No one is here.

71. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) This is many kinds of food 
     (2) A man walking alone.
     (3) Some people can find a way to wealth. 
     (4) Go a new place.

72. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) A dog is chasing a cat. 
     (2) A t-shirt expensive.
     (3) A plane take off. 
     (4) The city’s downtown not far from here.

73. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) Jim is too young to go alone, so you should accompany him.
     (2) To go there be easy.
     (3) The train are leaving. 
     (4) It rain soon.

74. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) The baby is crying loud. 
     (2) You should go inside now.
     (3) An interesting trip. 
     (4) A box of jewelry stolen.

75. Which is a correct complete sentence?
     (1) One’s duty responsible. 
     (2) A police station here.
     (3) The landscape made me exited. 
     (4) The murder were caught yesterday.

Part II : Vocabulary (ภาคคำศัพท์ มี 45 ข้อ)
Directions : Choose the best answer.

76. An abundance of rice in stock.
     (1) large quantity 
     (2) succession
     (3) egghead 
     (4) stereotype

77. Up to now, she is still unconscious.
     (1) At once 
     (2) Continuously
     (3) Due to 
     (4) Till now

78. Don’t fold bank notes like that.
     (1) bend 
     (2) enroll
     (3) conclude 
     (4) boost

79. At last, Mary’s endeavor was successful.
     (1) energy 
     (2) conscience
     (3) strength 
     (4) attempt

80. Being a teacher is quite a prestigious career in Thailand.
     (1) iconic 
     (2) terrific
     (3) worth 
     (4) renowned

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