41. ________ is 10:00 a.m. now?
     (1) He 
     (2) I
     (3) You 
     (4) It

42. Jane decided ______ everything behind
     (1) leave 
     (2) to leave
     (3) leaving 
     (4) to leaving

43. _______ homework is now on the desk.
     (1) My 
     (2) Mine
     (3) Yours 
     (4) Hers

44. Peter is kind-hearted; _______, he is optimistic
     (1) otherwise 
     (2) although
     (3) but 
     (4) moreover

45. Bob looks _______ in his group
     (1) usefully 
     (2) curiously
     (3) charmingly 
     (4) charming

46. Ann wasn’t here, __________ she didn’t know anything
     (1) because 
     (2) but
     (3) or 
     (4) so

47. __________ is Friday, isn’t it?
     (1) It 
     (2) Those
     (3) They 
     (4) (Blank)

48. The number of citizens in this city _________ increasing.
     (1) are 
     (2) is
     (3) have been 
     (4) have been being

49. A : Who is that girl?
      B : _________.
     (1) At 2:00 p.m. 
     (2) My niece
     (3) My parents 
     (4) A movie

50. “He may come.”
     The underlined word is a/an _______.
     (1) modal 
     (2) verb
     (3) noun 
     (4) adjective

51. __________ too much can cause a sore throat.
     (1) Talk 
     (2) To talking
     (3) Talking 
     (4) Talks

52. He has been working ________.
     (1) efficient 
     (2) efficiency
     (3) effluent 
     (4) efficiently

53. Tom teaches English __________ of all.
     (1) more efficient 
     (2) more efficiently
     (3) the most efficient 
     (4) the most efficiently

54. My best friend ________ speak at least three languages.
     (1) can 
     (2) are able
     (3) ought 
     (4) may to

55. Next month, Adam _______ to work in a new company.
     (1) is going 
     (2) have
     (3) must 
     (4) will

56. It’s amazing _______ rare birds in the zoo.
     (1) to see 
     (2) seeing
     (3) see 
     (4) to seeing

57. ______ road is now under construction.
     (1) That 
     (2) Those
     (3) These 
     (4) All

58. _______ wounded were taken to the nearest hospital.
     (1) A 
     (2) An
     (3) The 
     (4) (Blank)

59.  A : Whose shoes are these?
       B : They’re _______.
     (1) her 
     (2) your
     (3) my 
     (4) his

60. My sister and I always _______ to church on weekends.
     (1) go 
     (2) goes
     (3) is going to 
     (4) has gone

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