ข้อสอบ ENG1001 (ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐานและศัพท์จำเป็นในชีวิตประจำวัน)
ข้อสอบ ENG1001 ชุดที่ 1
เฉลยข้อสอบ ENG1001 ชุดที่ 1 ทั้งหมด <<คลิกที่นี่>>

ข้อสอบมีทั้งหมด 120 ข้อ

Choose the correct answer

Part I : Structure (ภาคโครงสร้าง มีข้อสอบ 75 ข้อ)

1. ________ eyes should be protected.
   (1) Mine
   (2) Theirs
   (3) Ours
   (4) Our

2. Most students go to school by ______ bus.
   (1) a
   (2) an
   (3) the
   (4) (blank)

3. Don’t postpone ________ in our thesis.
   (1) to hand
   (2) handing
   (3) hand
   (4) to handing

4. A : When will you go there ?
    B : __________
   (1) In Bangkok
   (2) Tomorrow
   (3) Jane
   (4) A book

5. David likes to play tennis, ________ his brother likes to play golf.
   (1) so
   (2) but
   (3) for
   (4) or

6. Frank denied __________ with his ex-wife.
   (1) meeting
   (2) to meet
   (3) meet
   (4) to meeting

7. What do you want ________?
   (1) to seeing
   (2) saw
   (3) see
   (4) to see

8. Yesterday, I saw Jim and Sue walk ______ hand in _______ hand.
   (1) a; a
   (2) the; the
   (3) a; the
   (4) (blank); (blank)

9. Tim exercises by _______ around the house.
   (1) walk
   (2) to walk
   (3) walking
   (4) to walking

10. He bought a ________ for me.
   (1) big valuable new diamond ring
   (2) valuable new diamond big ring
   (3) new valuable big diamond ring
   (4) big new diamond valuable ring

11. Many ______ live in England.
   (1) Thailand
   (2) France
   (3) Burma
   (4) Thais

12. _________ she to stop drinking now?
   (1) Will
   (2) May
   (3) Ought
   (4) Be able

13. None of the TV viewers _______ effected by the new program.
   (1) was
   (2) were
   (3) have been
   (4) were being been

14. Playing _______ badminton isn’t as easy as it looks.
   (1) a
   (2) an
   (3) the
   (4) (blank)

15. Do you mind __________ with me?
   (1) come
   (2) came
   (3) to come
   (4) coming

16. What is your favorite _______?
   (1) in door game
   (2) indoor game
   (3) game indoor
   (4) game in door

17. “I walk to my office every day.”
      The underlined word is a/an _______.
   (1) transitive verb
   (2) intransitive verb
   (3) linking verb
   (4) modal

18. Tim managed ________ everything done.
   (1) get
   (2) getting
   (3) to get
   (4) to getting

19. Susan, together with her brothers, _________ never been to China.
   (1) have
   (2) has
   (3) have had
   (4) are having been

20. You shouldn’t risk _________ that kind of business.
   (1) to do
   (2) do
   (3) to doing
   (4) doing

ข้อสอบ ENG1001 ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐานและศัพท์จำเป็นในชีวิตประจำวัน