เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด APR2101 PRE-TEST
กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)
รหัสตำรา : 57173
โดย ติวเตอร์แบงค์ สถาบันติว PERFECT ซ.รามคำแหง 43/1 โทร. 081-7269394
Part I: Answer the following questions.
1 What is business communication?
Business communication is communication that promotes a product, service or organization; relays communication within a business; or function as an official statement from a company
2 What is business English?
Business English is English language specially related to international trade. It is a part of English for specific purpose and can be considered a specialism within English language learning and teaching.
3 Why is communication important in business?
Because it strengthens the connection between a company and its shareholders and can also refer to internal communication
4 How is English important in business?
It is not important only in business but also in daily lives. It involves in an international connection which is an official language.
5 How are English business terms different from general English vocabularies?
Business terms may have the same writing with vocabularies but may differ in meaning. It means business function uniquely. It means different things to different peoples but vocabularies mean the same thing to different peoples.
6 How is English business communication important to worldwide business communication?
Because business English is related to international trade and it is the 1st official language
Part II: Complete the following sentences with the words provided.
Board of directors innovations performance
subsidiaries promoted ethics
candidates Unions capacity
distribution channel segmentation creative accounting
1. Business managers should always regard business …ethics.. as the most crucial matter in running their businesses.
2. It is not fair if every staff in the business is not …promoted….
3. “Not all applicants will turn to be our prospect …candidates…. for this position.”, Jack said.
Politic candidates
4. When one talks about “C.P. Group”, he/she also usually refers to its subsidiaries.
Subsidiaries = branches
Mother company = head-quarter
5. …Unions……are necessary for the interests of workers.
6. The company’s production …performance…of this year is so passive.
7. Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirements or buying habits is called …segmentation…….
8. …Creative accounting…..is using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company.
9. Distribution channel….means all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular goods or service from the producer to the consumer.
10. A business yielding more state-of-the-art …capacity….always owns the biggest market share.
Part III: Match the business terms in column A with the correct meaning in column B.
Column A
Segmentation (D)
Marketing mix (C)
Discounting (B)
Advertising (E)
Target market (A)
Column B
A. The group of consumers or customers aimed at by a business
B. Offering specially reduced prices to encourage demand
C. The marketing combination of product, price, promotion and place
D. The process of dividing up customers into groups based on their different needs and wants
E. Paid-for communication, aimed at informing or persuade
consumer : using in marketing, usually refer to people
prospect : potential buyer
target : prospect whom marketer aim at
customer : product buyer
client : customer for services
Part IV: Logical Thinking Practice
Directions: Read each paragraph and think of a good ending to the final sentence. Then look at the four possible endings below the paragraph and choose the best one.
1 Fog is a major cause of accidents on highways in some areas. Every year many thousands of people lose their lives because fog can dangerously reduce visibility. The drivers cannot see very far ahead,
1.1 so they ………………………………….
1. do not have time to avoid accidents.
2. go faster to avoid accidents.
3. have more time to read the signs.
4. do not have time to have accidents.
1.2 visibility means….
1. accidents
2. clear view
3. ability to see
4. ability to visit
1.3 According to the reading, what causes death?
1. highways
2. fog
3. visibility
4. highway areas
1.4 What caused the driver can not see very far ahead?
1. highway
2. fog
3. losing of lives
4. danger
1.5 The words “major cause” means…
1. majority
2. problem
3. main factor
4. more causes
2. Scotland is famous for its golf courses, and many Scottish people think of golf as a truly Scottish sport. The game did not start in Scotland, however. It was first played in Holland in the fourteenth century and ..
2.1 only later did it become
2.1 popular with the Dutch.
2.2 popular in Scotland.
2.3 a real sport.
2.4 an Olympic sport.
2.2 fourteenth century means…
1. 14th decade
2. year 1301 - 1400
3. year 1401 – 1500
4. 1 & 3 are correct
2.3 Which statements is true?
1 Golf first played in Holland in 1405.
2 Scotland has many golf courses.
3 Golf is a famous sport for Scottish.
4 Golf course is popular in Holland
2.4 The words “famous for” means….
1 popular
2 old for
3 called
4 well known as
2.5 “truly….sport” means……
1 popular sport
2 unique sport
3 old sport
4 ancient sport
3. When Christopher Columbus sailed west from Spain in 1492. He dreamed of reaching Asia. He did not know there were other continents between Europe and Asia or that the land he found was America. He never realized his mistake, and when he died he still believed that the land he had found was ………………………….
3.1 the land he had found was ………………………….
1 Asia.
2 America.
3 Spain.
4 another continent.
3.2 Which statements is true?
1 Columbus sleep and dream that he reached Asia.
2 America continent was in the middle between Asia and Europe.
3 His belief made Columbus died.
4 Asia was in the west of Spain.
3.3 Which statement is true?
1 Asia was in the east of Spain
2 West of America is Europe.
3 West of Europe is Asia.
4 East Europe is America.
3.4 Which statement is true?
1 Columbus hope to landing Asia
2 Reaching Asia is only a dream
3 He knew America before Asia
4 He think that he was right
3.5 What is Columbus mistake?
1 He thought that Asia is America.
2 He thought that the land in his dream is Asia.
3 He thought that America is Asia.
4 He found America.
4. In the past, many people in western Ireland and the Scottish Highlands spoke Gaelic as their first language. Now only a few people speak Gaelic as their first language. These people are mostly from the older generation. ….
4.1 The younger people …………
1 hardly understand any English.
2 don’t like to speak with strangers.
3 often don’t even understand Gaelic.
4 don’t often speak with the older generation.
4.2 Which statements is true?
1 There are only few old men left in Ireland.
2 No more people speaks Gaelic.
3 Young generation do not speak Gaelic.
4 More old generation speak Gaelic than young generation.
4.3 What is the meaning of the phrase “first language” ?
1 The langue that people first talk.
2 preference langue
3 official langue
4 main language which people used as daily talk
4.4 The words “old generation” means……
1 old men
2 future generation
3 elder brother & sister
4 latest generation
4.5 The phrase “ only a few people” means……
1 one people
2 2-3 peoples
3 no one
4 less people
5. When Europeans came to North America in 1620, the forests were full of bears. There were more than half a million of these wild animals. Then the Europeans began to cut down the forests and hunt the bears. By 1990, there were very few bears left. In recent years, however, the bear population has begun to multiply again. There are now at least 200,000 bears, …………….
5.1 thanks to better …………………………
1 hunting methods.
2 roads and communication.
3 laws to protect them.
4 laws to protect Europeans.
6. Some of the most famous classical composers died quite young. Among these were Schubert and Mozart, who both died in their thirties. Not all great composers had short lives, however. Bach lived until the age of sixty - five and Haydn until the age of sixty - nine, and others, like ………………
6.1 Verdi and Strauss, ……………………
1 died at a very young age.
2 lived on into their eighties.
3 died while playing the piano.
4 lived in the twentieth century.
6.2 Who lived only his youngest life?
1 Mozart
2 Bach
3 Haydn
4 Verdi
6.3 What is the phrase “great composer” means?
1 big composer
2 famous composer
3 older composer
4 younger composer
6.4 The phrase “among these” in line 2 refers to…
1 famous composers
2 young dead composers
3 other peoples except Schubert & Strauss
4 Bach and Haydn
6.5 Whose life is shorter?
1 Strauss
2 Haydn
3 Bach
4 Mozart
7. The dog was the first domesticated animal. Very early in human history, people realized that a dog could help with hunting and could protect them against dangerous wild animals. They also realized that dogs were good company, and so they began to keep them as pets. We can say that dog is man’s best friend………
7.1 and his …………………………
1 worst enemy.
2 only friend.
3 latest friend.
4 oldest friend.
7.2 What is the phrase ”domesticated animal” means?
1 pets
2 tame animal
3 wild animal
4 hunting animal
7.3 What is the phrase “good company” means?
1 rich company
2 successful company
3 good friend
4 good for selling
7.4 the word “them” in line 3 refers to….
1 wild animal
2 people
3 pets
4 company
7.5 What is the main idea of the above paragraph?
1 the first friend of human is dogs.
2 The dog was the first domesticated animal.
3 The dogs can protect you from wild animal.
4 The dog is good for hunting too.
8. For many years, alligator skin was popular in the United States for making fashionable shoes and handbags. From 1870 to 1965, at least 10 million alligators were killed in the United States for their skins. Then, in 1967, the government passed laws against hunting alligators. After that, the alligator population began to grow again. ………….
8.1 Now there are …………………………………..
1 no more alligators in the United States.
2 fewer alligators than there were in 1967.
3 more alligator skins for making shoes and purses.
4 nearly 2 million alligators in the United States.
8.2 Why the US Government had to established alligator hunting law?
1 The people like their skin
2 Too many were killed
3 they made too much shoes
4 to establish proper process
8.3 Which statements is true?
1 More than 10 millions alligators were killed from 1870 to 1965
2 10 million alligators were killed from 1870 to 1965
3 only 10 million alligators were killed in America
4 No more alligators were killed after 1965
8.4 The words “passed laws” have the same meaning as….
1 old law
2 given-up law
3 established law
4 cancelled law
8.5 The words “alligator population” have the same meaning as…
1 alligator baby
2 alligator family
3 alligator became popular
4 alligator number
9. The tulip is a popular flower in gardens around the world. Though Holland is now famous for its tulips, the flowers originally came from Turkey. They were brought to Holland in the seventeenth century and immediately became very fashionable. The Dutch merchants who imported them because wealthy, since …………..
9.1 they sold the tulips to the ……..
1 Dutch at very high prices.
2 Turks at very high prices.
3 Turks at very low prices.
4 Dutch at very low prices.
9.2 When was tulip first brought to Holland?
1 before 1600
2 between 1601 – 1700
3 between 1701 – 1800
4 when it was famous
9.3 What is the word “wealthy” means?
1 high class
2 rich
3 merchant
4 modern
9.4 Tulip became popular because…..
1 It was expensive
2 It was cheap
3 It became fashionable
4 did not mention
9.5 Where is the place of origin of Tulip?
1 Holland
2 Turkey
3 garden
4 Dutch
10. The yew tree grows very slowly and can live for hundreds of years. In southern England one year, a terrible storm blew down many tall, old yew trees. Some of these beautiful trees were more than 300 years old. New yew trees have been planted, …………….
10.1 but they will ………………………………….
1 grow more quickly.
2 only live for a few years.
3 be tall and beautiful only after many years.
4 never be as beautiful as the old trees.
10.2 When was the terrible storm blow down in southern England?
1 last year
2 300 years ago
3 hundreds year ago
4 did not mentioned
10.3 How long this yew tree life-long?
1 one year
2 300 years
3 some hundred years
4 depends
10.4 the words “blew down” have the same meaning as…
1 cut down
2 killed
3 lay down
4 damaged
10.5 The words “terrible storm” mean…..
1 long time storm
2 short time storm
3 heavy storm
4 windy
11. In the past, North American forests were full of chestnut trees. People used chestnuts in cooking in many different ways. They also loved to cook chestnuts over a fire and eat them plain. Then in the early 1900s, a disease killed almost all the trees. Now it is hard to find fresh chestnuts in U.S. markets, and most chestnuts for sale ………………………………………
11.1 are usually ………………………………………
1 from North America.
2 diseased.
3 roasted over a fire.
4 imported from Europe.
11.2 Why the American peoples have to imported chestnuts?
1 they fired them
2 they cook them everyday
3 been sold out
4 were killed by disease
11.3 Which statement is true?
1 We can not find any fresh chestnuts in the U.S. market
2 cooking over a fire is the favorite cooking of chestnuts
3 all chestnut trees were burned all
4 there were no more chestnuts in North America
11.4 The words “cook over fire” mean….
1 strong fire cooked
2 burned
3 fry
4 roasted
11.5 The words “eat them plain” mean….
1 eat without cooking
2 eat without mixing
3 eat them regularly
4 often eat them
12. Evergreen trees do not lose their leaves in the autumn like many other kinds of trees. The fact that they do not seem to die in winter gives them special meaning in some places. In Italy, for example, evergreen trees are associated with the idea of life after death. For this reason, Italians …………………….
12.1 often plant evergreens ………………………
1 in cemeteries.
2 along streets.
3 in long lines.
4 in gardens.
12.2 Why the evergreen tree has special meaning in some places?
1 because it is beautiful
2 because it never die
3 because it associate with life
4 because it will not die in winter
12.3 Why they called this tree “evergreen trees”?
1 they won’t die in winter
2 they won’t die in autumn
3 they always green
4 they do not loose their leaves
12.4 The words “associate with” means
1 attach with
2 apart from
3 along with
4 parallel to
12.5 The words “the fact that” means…
1 It always like that
2 What is like that
3 the evident that
4 in fact
13. Until recently, the kiwi fruit was rare in most countries of the world. All the kiwis came from New Zealand, which meant they were transported a great distance and were expensive. Now many countries grow kiwis. The supply of this fruit has greatly increased, …………………
13.1 and so it ………………………………
1 has become even more expensive.
2 is harder to get.
3 is found only in New Zealand.
4 has become less expensive.
13.2 The word “rare” in line 1 means….
1 not ripe
2 hard to find
3 many
4 bigger
13.3 The words “great distance” mean….
1 long way
2 very long way
3 everywhere
4 somewhere
13.4 What caused the Kiwi fruit became cheaper?
1 hardly to get
2 it was rare
3 distance of transport
4 more supply
13.5 Which statements is true?
1 Kiwi fruit can easily get in every country nowadays.
2 It became less expensive nowadays.
3 Distance of transportation made it favorite
4 There are no more Kiwi in New Zealand.
14. There are many ways to cook eggs. You can fry them, boil them, scramble them, put them in an omelette, or use them to make a cake. If the eggs are very fresh, you can even eat them without cooking them. Whatever way you choose to eat your eggs, however, ……………………………….
14.1 you must ……………………………………
1 always break the shell first.
2 always cook them.
3 never cook them.
4 never break the shell.
14.2 Which statements is true?
1 You must cook eggs while it is fresh.
2 Making a cake from fresh eggs is prohibit.
3 The best way to cook eggs is to boil it.
4 Fresh eggs is preferable.
14.3 Which way of eating eggs is the easiest?
1 boil eggs
2 fry eggs
3 eat fresh eggs
4 making a cake
14.4 The phrase “ whatever way you choose to eat” means..
1 There is only one way to eat.
2 There are several ways to eat.
3 Any way you choose to eat
4 No more way than ever to eat.
14.5 When we talk about eggs, we refer to…
1 boil eggs
2 fry eggs
3 fresh eggs
4 both chicken and duck eggs
15. Chocolate is one of the most popular sweets in the world. It is eaten in candy, cakes, cookies, and puddings. In some places, however, it is also eaten in a non - sweet from. The Mexicans, for example, make a chicken dish with a spicy chocolate sauce. ……………….
15.1 does not include any ……………………………….
1 chocolate.
2 vitamins.
3 sweetener.
4 candy.
16. What would you do if you got lost in desert? You should first of all look for water to drink. But deserts are very dry, with no lakes or rivers. Where can you find water? The answer is simple: in desert plants. In fact, the most common desert plant, the cactus, contains lots of good water. With the right method and some simple tools,
you ………………………………………..
1 can get only a few drops of water a day.
2 will get water that is undrinkable.
3 will be able to find some bottled water.
4 can get about a quart of good water a day.
17. Do you know what to do if someone falls off a small boat? First, you should throw out a life ring to the person in the water so he or she does not drown. Then you should try to turn back and get closer with the boat, trying not to lose sight of the person in the water. When you get close to the person, you should help him or her climb back into the boat. This is not always easy, especially if ………………………
1 the weather is warm.
2 the person is hurt or cold.
3 you do not know how to swim.
4 the person is a good swimmer.
18. The game of croquet was probably invented in France. In the thirteenth century, French villagers played something they called “paille - maille.” From there, the game traveled to Ireland, where they called it “crooky.” In the mid - nineteenth century, some people in England began playing “croaky.” It quickly became popular in many countries, from ……………………………….
1 the United States to India and Australia.
2 the south coast of England to the north of Scotland.
3 one village to another.
4 the Middle Ages to our modern age.
19. In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh tried to start the first English settlement in North America, but it was not successful. Many settlers became sick and others died of hunger or in battles with the Native Americans. When another ship from England arrived at the settlement a few years later, ……………..
19.1 the newcomers found that …………………………
1 the settlement had grown.
2 the settlement were not glad to see it.
3 all the settlers had died.
4 all the settlers were healthy.
20. The one - cent coin in the United States has a picture of Abraham Lincoln on it. Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, was one of the country’s greatest presidents. He came from a poor family, and as a young man, he had to work very hard. This was the reason why the government decided to put Lincoln’s picture on the smallest coin. It would remind everyone that… in America
20.1 in America………………………………………..
1 someone from a poor family could become president.
2 someone from a poor family could never become president.
3 most of the presidents have come from poor families.
4 there have been no presidents from poor families.
21. The first Americans to reach California came by water to engage in the fur trade along the coast. Later interest turned to whaling and the trade in hides and tallow. While some of these men stayed on in California, their numbers were few. They didn’t cause the Mexican officials much worry.
21.1 The best title of the paragraph is:
1 Early California Officials
2 The Early Fur Traders of California
3 Whaling off the California Coast
4 The First Americans in California
21.2 The phrase “along the coast” means…..
1 along the road
2 along the street
3 along the country side close to the sea
4 along the country side close to the neighbor
21.3 The word “engage” means……
1 marry
2 landing
3 involve
4 go away from
21.4 What is the purpose of the first American in reaching California?
1 to marry
2 involve in the fur trade
3 to go away from trading
4 to stay there
21.5 Which statements is true?
1 All of the American caused the trouble to the Mexican officials.
2 None of the American caused the problem to the Mexicans.
3 All the American keep on staying in California.
4 Very few American first reached in California.
22. Because a large proportion of the land in Hawaii is rugged and mountainous, the state has little space in which to grow crops. Some areas are also covered with hard, black lava on which nothing can grow. Even so, Hawaii produces large quantities of farm products. The volcanic soil in the valleys and lowlands is very fertile, and the warm climate makes it possible to grow crops all year long.
Rainfall is plentiful on the northern and eastern sides of each island receives too little rainfall for most crops to grow well, but in many of places where rainfall is light, wells and mountain streams supply water for irrigation.
22.1 The main purpose of the passage is to describe the Hawaiian
1 Geography.
2 Market system.
3 Farming conditions.
4 Settlement patterns
22.2 Where is most the farming done in Hawaii?
1 Along the coast.
2 On the mountain slopes.
3 On the rich lava beds.
4 In the lowlands.
22.3 When is the Hawaiian growing season?
1 Throughout the entire years.
2 During all seasons except winter.
3 Mainly in the spring and summer.
4 Only during the long summer months.
22.4 How do dry areas in Hawaii get their water?
1 It is carefully collected when it rains.
2 It is stored in mountain reservoirs.
3 It is brought in from other areas.
4 It is provided by wells.
22.5 Which is related term to “crop”?
1 Education
2 Agriculture
3 Scientific
4 Engineer
23. A grade report is mailed to the student at the end of each semester. This cumulative record, known as a “student copy,” is not valid for transfer or certification purposes. Additional student copies may be obtained at a cost of $3.00 each.
23.1 How does the student receives his grades?
1 In an envelop.
2 Over the phone.
3 Directly from the professor.
4 From a notice posted on the bulletin board.
23.2 According to the passage, the “student’s copy” is NOT
1 reproducible.
2 permanent.
3 a complete record.
4 an official transcript.
23.3 How often are the grades reported?
1 Every month.
2 At the end of the term.
3 Once a year.
4 Whenever the students wants them.
23.4 What is the meaning of the phrase “is not valid” in line 2 means?
1 unacceptable
2 unavoidable
3 incorrect
4 uncountable
23.5 Where would this paragraph most probably be found?
1 In a test booklet.
2 In a letter from a student.
3 In a college catalog.
4 In a class schedule.
24. Care in planning and management is needed if a factory is to run well. Work areas should be large, clean, well-lighted, and airy. Work should move in a straight line from one machine to another, allowing materials in different stages of production to advance smoothly. Careful planning and intelligent execution can also contribute to harmonious labor/management relations.
24.1 Both labor and management can benefit from ________.
1 a shorter work week.
2 improved work conditions.
3 periodic salary increases.
4 a fair promotion policy.
24.2 Which of the following can produce a content and well-organized work force?
1 Labor.
2 Bank financing.
3 Government contracts.
4 Management.
24.3 The layout of the production line is important to ________ .
1 safety and output
2 materials and machines
3 government inspectors
4 insurance company
24.4 The words “well-lighted” in line 2 means….
1 not heavy
2 heavy enough
3 bright enough
4 good weight
24.5 The phrase “ different stage of Production “ in line 4 means…
1 different class
2 different process
3 different production of stage
4 different cost of production