กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)

เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด APR2101 บทที่ 7 ADVERTISING  (ดูตำราประกอบหน้า 171-193 ครับ)
กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)
รหัสตำรา : 57173
โดย ติวเตอร์แบงค์  สถาบันติว PERFECT ซ.รามคำแหง 43/1  Tel. 081-7269394, Line : sjbank

Match the business terms in column A with the correct meaning in column B.

Column A
business card (A) 
consumer profile (D)
TV Commercial (B)
insert (C)

Column B
A. a small print business advertisement
B. a brief commercial announcement at the beginning of a broadcast program
C. a publication sent without charge; often with con- trolled circulation
D. a demographic description of the cowcatcher people or house- holds that are prospects for a product or service
E. an outdoor poster


EXERCISE CHAPTER 7 (ดูตำราประกอบ หน้า 186 ครับ)


What is the business term for the following meanings?

1 A small print business advertisement.
2 A publication sent without charge; often with controlled circulation.(2)

Alternatives for No. 1 to No. 2

1 consumer profiles 
2 free circulation
3 leaflet 
4 billboard
5 business card 
6 brochure

3 A demographic description of cowcatcher people or households that
are prospects for a product or service. (2)
4 The customers for services. (1)

Alternatives for No. 3 to No. 4
1 clients 
2 consumer profile
3 walk-in customers 
4 consumer
5 customers 
6 prospects

5 What is the role of Public Relations in the past?
1 to build a favorable image
2 to use variety of communication channels
3 to build awareness for a company
4 to give information to the public
5 to enhance sales
6 to remind the customers about t product

6 Which is not the role of Public Relations?
1 managing crisis that threaten company
2 building awareness
3 building image
4 deliver all form of message thru media
5 monitoring public comment about product
6 building goodwill among an organization’s target market
7 selling the organizations’ product

7 What is the synonym of the word “philanthropic”?
1 events 
2 demonstration
3 propaganda 
4 crisis
5 charity 
6 donation
7 current issue

8 Which channel of media used for the company’s public relations?
1 business awareness 
2 broadcast media
3 relevant media outlets 
4 public comment
5 crisis that threaten company 
6 building goodwill

9 The word “cultivation” (para 1) could best be replaced by…..
1 culture 
2 information giving
3 exception 
4 interaction
5 communication 
6 media
7 broadcasting

10 The word “Traditionally” (para 1) could best be replaced by….
1 In addition 
2 Basically
3 In general 
4 Occasionally
5 meanwhile 
6 Particularly
How to write a good brochure 

Para 1 & 2

11 What should be put in the front panel of the brochure?
1 Name of the company 
2 logo of the company
3 eye-catching photo 
4 make it more exciting
5 none is correct 
6 all are correct

12 What is the recommendation in writing text in the brochure?
1 breaking up long block of text by using heading
2 short sentenced 
3 short paragraph
4 using bullet list 
5 numbered lists
6 all are correct

13 The word “show case” (para 1) could best be replaced by….
1 tell 
2 display 
3 perform 
4 understand 
5 perceive 
6 remember

14 What should we do in the brochure to give readers “ an offer they can’t refuse”
1 put company’s name in the front page
2 put company’s logo in the front page
3 put beautiful photo in the front page
4 put product’s photo and benefit in the front page
5 ask the question in the front page
3 showcase company’s name or logo

Para 5 – 7

15 What message should we put at the beginning of your brochure?
1 inform relevant to it’s purpose 
2 prospects’ info
3 company’s history 
4 boring info
5 content that running out the readers’ interest
6 all are correct

16 What made the testimonial look fake?
1 brief info
2 include customers full name full name of the quotation
3 no reference of the quotation
4 company’s history 
5 purpose of the brochure
6 relevant content

17 The word “fake” (para 2) could best be replaced by……..
1 funny 
2 stupid
3 dull 
4 tricky
5 unfair 
6 not real

18 Why the brochure readers do not reach you? Because…..
1 the don’t like your company 
2 they don’t want the product
3 they don’t understand the content 
4 they prefer another company
5 they don’t have contact info 
6 they don’t want a call to action
Complete the following statements.

The doctor’s use ……19(4)…… jargon, ….20(2)….. is, the technical language he used, kept me …..21…(1).. understanding what he was talking ….22…(3)… .

Alternatives for No. 19 to No. 22
1 from 
2 that
3 about 
4 of

Business ethics, ….23(4)…., a good code of conduct …..24…(2)..running a business, is a vital thing utilized in …..25….(3) all kinds ….26…(1)..business.

Alternatives for No. 23 to No. 26
1 of 
2 used in
3 carrying out 
4 that

Platelets are very small particles …..27…(4).. are adhesive, …..28…(1)...., they stick together to stop bleeding.

Cash dispenser (GB) or ATM (automated teller machine) is computerized machine …..29(3)…. allows bank customers to withdraw money, check their balance, …..30…(2).. so on.

Alternatives for No. 27 to No. 30
1 that is 
2 and
3 that 
4 which

Complete the following statements.

A stockbroker – a person ….31…(4). can advise investors and buy and sell shares …32…(1). them- is a job ….33…(3).. can make a person earns much more money in a short period …..34…(2).. time.

Alternatives for No. 31 to No. 34
1 for 
2 of
3 that 
4 who

My father ….35…(4). makes excursions (short trips) ….36…(2). the country side.
When a robin is …..37…(3). a fledging, a young bird just …..38…(1)… to fly, it has a spotted chest.

Alternatives for No. 35 to No. 38
1 able 
2 into
3 still 
4 often

……39…(3). over 6,000 examinees ….40…(1).. northeast Thailand, 79% ….41(4)….. found ……42…(2).. infected with the human hepatic trematode Opisthorchis viverrini.

Alternatives for No. 39 to No. 42
1 in 
2 to be
3 of 
4 were

Complete the following statements.

Although Maria and Anna are sisters, their personalities are ….43…(3) different. Maria …..44…(4). a lot ….45…(1).. Anna is usually …..46…(2). .

Alternatives for No. 43 to No. 46
1 whereas 
2 calm
3 quite 
4 talk

Two men were ….47…(1).. a sailboat floating near ……48(3)…. island. The wind had been ……49(4)…. strong that morning ….50…(2).. now there was just a slight breeze.

Alternatives for No. 47 to No. 50
1 in 
2 but
3 an 
4 very

One adverse situation ….51…(3).. arises ……52…(4).. of the presence of mold is food spoilage, ……53…(1)…, penicillin, …..54…(2).. is a mold, is a beneficial antibiotic.

Alternatives for No. 51 to No. 54
1 however 
2 which
3 that 
4 because