เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด APR2101 บทที่ 5 PRODUCTION (ดูตำราประกอบหน้า 125 ครับ)
กระบวนวิชา APR2101, BUS2101 หรือ ENS3103 (สารสนเทศและการสื่อสารทางธุรกิจ)
รหัสตำรา : 57173
โดย ติวเตอร์แบงค์ สถาบันติว PERFECT ซ.รามคำแหง 43/1 Tel. 081-7269394, Line : sjbank
Match the business terms in column A with the correct meaning in column B.
Column A
lean production (C)
productivity (B)
profit margin (A)
Break-even Point (E)
quality control (D)
Column B
A. the point at which revenues exceed expenses
B. a measurement of the number of goods produced during a specific amount of time
C. the philosophy of continually reducing waste in all areas and in all forms
D. the process by which a product is checked and tested to ensure consistent standards of high quality
E. total revenues less total expenses
Environmentalism arose in the 1960s as the younger, more politically active post-war embodiment of an earlier conservation movement that is still active today. The latter is associated with President Theodore Roosevelt (1858—1919). Environmental interest reached its peak in the 1970s. The first major environmental law, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, came just before the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 (coinciding then and every year since with the older Arbor Day on which, once, people planted trees). The eight years between 1969 and 1976 saw passage of nine of the 18 fundamental environmental laws.
Since those days environmentalism is an undeniable public movement, ranging from political activism to a general sort of mild piety. Since 9/11, two analysts (Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus) have produced much discussion with an influential paper titled The Death of Environmentalism, but environmental polls, tracked by PollingReport.com (http://www.pollingre-port.com/enviro.htm), show that public support for environmental causes was very high in the mid-2000s whether measured by Gallup, Harris, or one of the major media polls. Regarding this topic, no real differences in public opinion are discernible between the 1980s and the 2000s. A great majority (around three quarters) are favorably inclined toward the environment; more than half participate in some form of environmental activity (like recycling); and around 30 percent are actively involved in the cause.
This is the general "environment" in which green enterprise operates. Green products and services have a substantial market and command a premium price. The movement now embraces much more than simply pollution-free manufacturing and also encompasses healthy foods (organically produced, if possible), opposition to all manners of artificial ingredients, alternative fuels and modes of transportation (e.g., solar power, bicycles), alternative methods of construction to save energy (e.g., earth-sheltered homes), holistic and alternative forms of medicine, "green investment" in the securities of environmentally sensitive corporations, and many other forms of day-to-day or recreational behaviors, some of which can be supplied by business
What is the suitable terms for the business definitions?
1 the point at which revenues exceed expenses (3)
2 total revenues less total expenses (7)
Alternatives for NO.1 to No.2
1 net income 2 gross income
3 profit margin 4 net expenses
5 total profits 6 total expenses
7 Break-even Point
3 philosophy of continually reducing waste in all areas and in all forms (2)
4 a measurement of the number of goods produced during a specific
amount of time (1)
Alternatives for No.3 to No. 4
1 productivity 2 lean production
3 productivity margin 4 risk management
5 Balanced Scorecard 6 quality control
Para 1-2
5 What is the meaning of the words “similar tags signal”?
1 the same tags
2 almost the same tags signal
3 the same meaning signal
3 the same meaning signal
4 the same meaning sign
5 all are correct
6 The word “arose” could best be replaced by……
1 collapsed 2 worked
3 liked 4 called
5 started 6 told
7 What is the word “the latter” refers to?
1 President Theodore 2 the younger
3 post-war embodiment 4 politician
5 environmentalism 6 conservation movement
8 What is the phrase “the National Environmental Policy Act ..” refers to?
1 environment 2 the President
3 the youngers’ activities 4 the law
5 conservation movement 6 post-war embodiment
9 In which year does the environment interest reached the peak point?
1 1969 2 1970
3 1971 4 1972
5 1976 6 all are correct
10 What is the coincident with the celebration of the first Earth Day?
1 peoples planted trees
5 all are correct
6 The word “arose” could best be replaced by……
1 collapsed 2 worked
3 liked 4 called
5 started 6 told
7 What is the word “the latter” refers to?
1 President Theodore 2 the younger
3 post-war embodiment 4 politician
5 environmentalism 6 conservation movement
8 What is the phrase “the National Environmental Policy Act ..” refers to?
1 environment 2 the President
3 the youngers’ activities 4 the law
5 conservation movement 6 post-war embodiment
9 In which year does the environment interest reached the peak point?
1 1969 2 1970
3 1971 4 1972
5 1976 6 all are correct
10 What is the coincident with the celebration of the first Earth Day?
1 peoples planted trees
2 post-war embodiment
3 environmental law 4 major environmental law
5 National Environmental Policy Act
6 conservation movement
11 Which is true according to the passage?
1 The public concentrated more in politics since 2000
2 environmentalism is incontrovertible movement
3 environmentalism is dead
4 environmental polls was conducted by Ted Nordhaus
5 Gallup confirmed the environmental polls
6 environmentalism & political movement started in 1980
12 What is the proportion of the environment activist?
1 hundred percent 2 half
3 33 percent 4 a quarter
5 30 percent 6 3 quarters
13 The word “tracked” could best be replace by….
1 told 2 surveyed
3 sent 4 followed
5 started 6 stopped
14 What is the meaning of the words “substantial market”?
1 great market 2 second market
3 main market 4 youngsters’ market
5 conservation market 6 proper market
15 The word “artificial” could best be replaced by….
1 natural 2 mixes
3 herb 4 liquid
5 unnatural 6 home-made
16 In what level of price is the environment concerned product command?
1 reasonable price 2 low price
3 average price 4 special price
5 free of charge 6 high price
17 According to the passage, green enterprise was introduced as an
alternative to substitute…….
1 pollution-free manufacturing 2 healthy food
3 alternative fuels 4 mode of transportation
5 artificial-ingredient 6 all are correct
18 Which is not the characteristic of business memo?
1 more details 2 precisely
3 short 4 well organized
5 more focused 6 all are correct
19 What does the writer should avoid in writing business memo?
1 correct spelling 2 using abbreviations
3 punctuation 4 grammar correction
5 being brief 6 capitalized
20 Which is the sign for “exclamation”?
1 ???? 2 ******
3 ###### 4 &&&&&&
5 !!!!!! 6 @@@@@
21 What kind of writing manner does the writer compare to the use of
1 use of capital letters 2 use of jargon
3 shouting 4 screaming
5 quick reaction 6 all are correct
3 environmental law 4 major environmental law
5 National Environmental Policy Act
6 conservation movement
Para 3
11 Which is true according to the passage?
1 The public concentrated more in politics since 2000
2 environmentalism is incontrovertible movement
3 environmentalism is dead
4 environmental polls was conducted by Ted Nordhaus
5 Gallup confirmed the environmental polls
6 environmentalism & political movement started in 1980
12 What is the proportion of the environment activist?
1 hundred percent 2 half
3 33 percent 4 a quarter
5 30 percent 6 3 quarters
13 The word “tracked” could best be replace by….
1 told 2 surveyed
3 sent 4 followed
5 started 6 stopped
Para 4
14 What is the meaning of the words “substantial market”?
1 great market 2 second market
3 main market 4 youngsters’ market
5 conservation market 6 proper market
15 The word “artificial” could best be replaced by….
1 natural 2 mixes
3 herb 4 liquid
5 unnatural 6 home-made
16 In what level of price is the environment concerned product command?
1 reasonable price 2 low price
3 average price 4 special price
5 free of charge 6 high price
17 According to the passage, green enterprise was introduced as an
alternative to substitute…….
1 pollution-free manufacturing 2 healthy food
3 alternative fuels 4 mode of transportation
5 artificial-ingredient 6 all are correct
Business Memo Format
Para 1 and 2
18 Which is not the characteristic of business memo?
1 more details 2 precisely
3 short 4 well organized
5 more focused 6 all are correct
19 What does the writer should avoid in writing business memo?
1 correct spelling 2 using abbreviations
3 punctuation 4 grammar correction
5 being brief 6 capitalized
20 Which is the sign for “exclamation”?
1 ???? 2 ******
3 ###### 4 &&&&&&
5 !!!!!! 6 @@@@@
21 What kind of writing manner does the writer compare to the use of
1 use of capital letters 2 use of jargon
3 shouting 4 screaming
5 quick reaction 6 all are correct